
  1. 吳怡融. (2020). 啟動創新作為的因素:從創始採行「閱讀起步走」計畫談起, 民主與治理, 7(1), 1-28
  2. 楊東謀、吳怡融(2019)台灣政府開放資料推行之近況調查與探討,教育資料與圖書館學, 56(1),7-44
  3. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-jung Wu (2016), Examining the socio-technical determinants influencing government agencies’ open data publication: A study in Taiwan. Government Information Quarterly, 33(3), 378-392. doi: 10.1016/j.giq.2016.05.003
  4. 廖興中、吳怡融 (2016) 全球電子治理發展之政策趨同初探:以區域空間自相關為分析方法,民主與治理,3(2),23-52
  5. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-Jung Wu (2015). Exploring the effectiveness of cross-boundary information sharing in the public sector: The perspective of government agencies. Information Research.20(3), paper 685 http://InformationR.net/ir/20-3/paper685.html
  6. Tung-Mou Yang, Teresa Pardo, Yi-jung Wu (2014). How is information shared across the boundaries of government agencies? An e-Government case study. Government Information Quarterly, 31(4), 637-652.
  7. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-jung Wu (2014). Exploring the determinants of cross-boundary information sharing in the public sector: An e-Government case study in Taiwan. Journal of Information Science, 40(5), 649-668.
  8. 吳怡融(2013)教育專業倫理與國家考試。國家菁英季刊,9(3)
  9. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-jung Wu (2013). What to share and why to share? A case study of cross-boundary information sharing in Taiwan e-government. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 11(1), 25-53.
  10. 黃榮護.吳怡融.周成虎(2012)提升政策變遷效能與組織協力的管理模式。研習論壇月刊,137。
  11. Yi-jung Wu (2011). Comparing the cultural contents of Mandarin reading textbooks in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 14(2).

A. 中文

  1. 吳怡融,(2019年5月)。探討高等教育中數位學習政策規劃對經濟弱勢學生之影響,台灣公共行政年會。
  2. 李翠萍、吳怡融,(2017年5月)。啟動創新作為的因素: 從深波圖書館創始採行閱讀起步走計畫談起。臺灣公共行政年會。
  3. 吳怡融 (2015年5月)。高等教育經濟弱勢學生扶助政策之分析與行銷。臺灣公共行政年會。(科技部計畫成果)
  4. 吳怡融(2013年05月)。高等教育系統內中低收入家庭學生服務資源之整合性與永續性探討。第九屆兩岸四地公共管理研討會,台北市, 國立政治大學。(科技部計畫成果)
  5. 張鎧如,吳怡融(2013年05月)。「好還要更好」-從標竿學習到最佳典範:以政府服務品質獎之災害防救規劃方案為例 。臺灣公共行政年會。
  6. 吳怡融(2011年05月)。從美國社會救助改革看臺灣社會救助計畫:以人力資本的角度出發。台灣公共行政年會,台北市,國立台北教育大學。

B. 英文

  1. Yi-jung Wu, Tsuey-ping Lee, 2018, Investigating the triggers of innovation: From the case of Bookstart Program Adoption in Taiwan, Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), May 31-June 2, 2018, Singapore, SINGAPORE
  2. Yi-jung Wu (2013, Mar). Think Tanks and Policy Making: The case of Taiwan. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  3. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-jung Wu (2013, Mar). Measuring the Effectiveness of Cross-Boundary Information Sharing and Integration: A Case Study of Taiwan e-Government. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  4. Tung-Mou Yang, Yi-jung Wu (2013). Measuring the Effectiveness of Cross-Boundary Information Sharing and Integration: A Case Study of Taiwan e-Government. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  5. Yi-jung Wu (2013). Think Tanks and Policy Making: The case of Taiwan. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  6. Yang, T.-M., & Yi-jung Wu. (2011). Identifying the information types and the purposes of cross-boundary information sharing. Paper presented at the 2011 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Public Administration without Borders (ASPA 2011). Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  7. Yi-jung Wu, (2011). What can we learn from this—The implementation of intergovernmental policies and partnerships among social service agencies, American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, March 2011, Baltimore, Maryland (Expert Discussion Circle Section)
  8. Yi-jung Wu, Aaron Benavot, (2010), “Same but Different”: The comparison of reading textbooks (Mandarin) across China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference, March 2010, Chicago (Panel Section)
  9. Yi-jung Wu, Hal A. Lawson, Alan P. Wagner, (2009), The impacts of systems change on the partnerships of the TANF service agencies: A case study from New York State, American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, March 2009, Miami, Florida (Expert Discussion Circle Section)
  10. Yang, T.-M., & Yi-jung Wu. (2009). Construct an overview framework of current information-sharing research from the perspectives of inter-person, intra- organization, and inter-organization. Paper presented at the 2009 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Governance in the Midstof Diversity: Bridging Opportunity and Challenge (ASPA 2009). Miami,Florida, USA.
  11. Yi-jung Wu, Eve Kintner, Hal A. Lawson, Alan P. Wagner, (2008), The Identification of a Theory-of-change for Welfare Reform: Examining the Role of Human Capital Development in Systems Transformation after Ten Years of TANF, American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, March 2008, Dallas, Texas (Expert Discussion Circle Section)
  12. Yi-jung Wu, (2006), Mining Human Resources within the Welfare Population, American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, April 2006, Denver, Colorado (Panel Section-Full Paper)
  13. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes, Mohammad Mojtahedzadeh, David Andersen, George Richardson, Theresa Pardo, Brian Burke, Yi-jung Wu, Anthony Cresswell, Tamas Bordor, Donna Canestraro, Sharon Dawes, Fikret Demircivi, Carrie Schneider, Fiona Thompson, (2005), Scripts for Interrupted Group Model Building: Lessons from Modeling the Emergence of Governance Structures for Information, Integration Across Government Agencies, 38th HICSS Conference, January 2005, Hawaii
  14. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes, Mohammad Mojtahedzadeh, David Andersen, George Richardson, Theresa Pardo, Brian Burke, Yi-jung Wu, Anthony Cresswell, Tamas Bordor, Donna Canestraro, Sharon Dawes, Fikret Demircivi, Carrie Schneider, Fiona Thompson, (2005), Emergence of the Governance Structure for Information Integration across Governmental Agencies: A System Dynamics Approach, 38th HICSS Conference, January 2005, Hawaii
  15. Yi-jung Wu, (2004), The Challenges of Information Systems from AFDC to TANF in New York State, American Society of Public Administration Annual Conference, March 2004, Portland, Oregon (Panel Section-Full paper)
  16. George P. Richardson, David F. Andersen, Yi-jung Wu, (2002), Misattribution in Welfare Dynamics: the puzzling dynamics in recidivism, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, 2002 International System Dynamics Conference in Italy (Poster Section)
  1. Yi-jung Wu. Forthcoming. Economic and Social Welfare Transition in Taiwan. (Book Chapter). Social and Economic Development in Transition Economies: The Role for Entrepreneurship.. Blanca Ramos, Paul Miesing, and Katherine Briar-Lawson (co-editors). Oxford University Press
  2. 吳怡融,2016,高等教育經濟弱勢生的服務整合與行銷,臺北,韋伯文化 (科技部計畫成果)
  3. Yi-jung Wu. 2015. Think Tanks in Taiwan. (Book Chapter). Policy Analysis in Taiwan: The State of the Art. Yu-YingKuo (editor). Policy Press.
  4. Yi-jung Wu, 2009, A Case Study of Intended and Implemented Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Policies in the New York State Bridge Program, Doctoral Dissertation, School of Education, University at Albany, State University of New York
  1. 廖興中、吳怡融、蘇毓昌,職訓業務管控機制與行政透明廉能論壇,2018.6.1-2018.10.31,勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署委託案。
  2. Richard M. Walker, Mei-Chiang Shih, Milan Tung-Wen Sun, Tsuey-Ping Lee, Keng-Ming Hsu, Ching-Heng Pan, Yi-jung Wu,2015.7.1-2017.6.30, A Comprehensive Test of Policy Innovation Theses: The Taiwanese Bookstart  Programme (教育部推動之「閱讀起步走」計畫), Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Research Grant
  3. 吳怡融、廖興中、方凱弘、陳俊明,2017.9.11-2017.12.10,桃園市政府106年殯葬業務廉政研究,桃園市政府政風處委託案。
    4. 黃榮護、吳怡融、陳俊明,2013.4.26-2013.8.26。101年台北市政府廉政委託案。
  4. 余致力、吳怡融、方凱弘、周成虎,2012.3.1-2012.10.31,民眾對於開放陸生來臺就讀學位的看法。行政院大陸委員會委託案。
  5. 余致力、吳怡融,2012.1.11-2012.7.31,教育部規劃研擬「各級學校教師倫理守則」,教育部委託案。
  6. 陳金貴、郭耀昌、吳怡融,2011.4.1-2011.9.30。中央與直轄市政府之權責分工研究–以弱勢教育政策為例。行政院研究發展考核委員會(現國發會)委託研究案


  1. 吳怡融,2020.8.1-2022.7.30,「閱讀的種子在長大」:新住民二代「閱讀起步走(Bookstart)計畫」追蹤調查,科技部計畫。
  2. 吳怡融,2018.8.1-2019.7.30,經濟弱勢第一代大學生的校園學習經驗與生涯選擇研究,科技部計畫。
  3. 吳怡融,2015.8.1-2017.7.31,以計畫理論的評估觀點探討高等教育中數位學習政策規劃對經濟弱勢學生之影響,科技部計畫。
  4. 吳怡融,2013.8.1-2015.1.31,以計畫理論的評估觀點探討高等教育系統中經濟弱勢學生的服務整合與政策行銷,科技部計畫。


  1. 吳怡融、廖興中,2020.06.10-2020.09.10,桃園市環保局稽查廉政手冊,桃園市環保局。
  2. 方凱弘、廖興中、吳怡融、蘇毓昌,2019.10.15-2020.4.15,石門水庫清淤業務導入行政透明措施研究,經濟部水利署北區水資源局。
  3. 吳怡融,2018.10.15-2019.6.30,翠谷「星」勢力:世新大學翠谷助學金學生研究,世新大學教育部獎勵校務發展研究計畫。
  4. 廖興中、吳怡融、蘇毓昌,職訓業務管控機制與行政透明廉能論壇,2018.6.1-2018.10.31,勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署委託案。
  5. Richard M. Walker, Mei-Chiang Shih, Milan Tung-Wen Sun, Tsuey-Ping Lee, Keng-Ming Hsu, Ching-Heng Pan, Yi-jung Wu,2011-2018, A Comprehensive Test of Policy Innovation Theses: The Taiwanese Bookstart Programme, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Research Grant
  6. 吳怡融、廖興中、方凱弘、陳俊明,2017.9.11-2017.12.10,桃園市政府106年殯葬業務廉政研究,桃園市政府政風處委託案。
  7. 黃榮護、吳怡融、陳俊明,4.26-2013.8.26。101年台北市政府廉政委託案。
  8. 余致力、吳怡融、方凱弘、周成虎,3.1-2012.10.31,民眾對於開放陸生來臺就讀學位的看法。行政院大陸委員會委託案。
  9. 余致力、吳怡融,2012.1.11-2012.7.31,教育部規劃研擬「各級學校教師倫理守則」,教育部委託案。
  10. 陳金貴、郭耀昌、吳怡融,2011.4.1-2011.9.30。中央與直轄市政府之權責分工研究–以弱勢教育政策為例。行政院研究發展考核委員會(現國發會)委託研究案。