
◆ The College of Management provides many different types of Scholarships to students. For example, in order to promote academic excellence, the “Shih Hsin Academic Excellent Award for Freshman” was established. Each department, based on its own entry criteria, may award this NT$20,000 scholarship to a new student. Moreover, “Mr. She-Wo Cheng Memorial Awards” are also available for all undergraduate students who have had outstanding academic achievement. Many other scholarships for students from low-income families are also available from the College of Management.

◆ In addition, there are many other scholarships that are provided by agencies outside of the university, where the College of Management is more than happy to help students with their applications. As for graduate students, there is also funding from the Ministry of Education, where the top students will receive scholarships. Furthermore, special research funds will also be granted to graduate students who have achieved outstanding academic and research achievement.